Mark Lawrence, King of Thorns once said, “Memory is all we are. Moments and feelings, captured in amber, strung on filaments of reason. Take a man’s memories and you take all of him. Chip away a memory at a time and you destroy him as surely as if you hammered nail after nail through his skull.” He mean the memory you have is precious. It stores you most valuable moments. Like for a parent it would be when their child is born, their first steps. For a friend it would be that first connection you made, the first thing you had in common, that click you made. For a couple in love it would be that first time he or she saw the other. Te first glance. The first date, the first kiss. That un describable moment of love. Your heart thumbs with a sensation of happiness. your stomach is exploding with butterfly just wanting to fly free. Your body fills with this amazing tingly feeling and you get a bit exited at the touch of that person. The warmth of their body. Thats what your memory hold. Every touch, every sound, every sight, every smell. Now think of that special person, friend, boyfriend/girlfriend, parent, grandparent, anyone. Now imagine those sweet memories. The good memories. Now imagine the pain and hurt of not having those memories. Imagine not having any recollection of any of those sweet memories. Hurts I know