My life was miserable, living as a disposable experiment in a dirty cell, my only way of identifying myself was as project 601, which was what my captors called me, I was indeed a sorry excuse for a human, especially with a cats tail, slitted eyes, retractable claws and ears, I was even more of a freak than most of the other poor wretches who lived in the cells on either side of mine. So yeah, basically my life was horrible, until I met her, she was like me, she understood, but then she disappeared, and I didn't see her again for a very, very long time...
[this is a fan fiction of a fan fiction as it were, all credit for the idea that gave me inspiration for this story goes to Weiss_Schnee, please read her book "the nine tailed...human?" because it's awesome, however this story is based off the time line of the second book "The Nine Tailed Human!", I used to have it discontinued but I have decided to keep going!]
When an archeology student accidently gets added in a groupchat full of f1 drivers.
When Charles Leclerc falls for the stranger in the groupchat
social media & irl
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