Want to know how long you would survive in outer space without a space suit? 30 seconds. That's it. And you wouldn't freeze to death, either. Nope, your body would implode before that could happen. But that's nothing compared to what would happen if you go into a black hole. The deeper you go, the stronger the gravitational pull. Your legs would be going in first, there fore being pulled harder than your head, causing you to endlessly stretch, into a noodle. By this time, you're probably dead, but if you're lucky, you'll live long enough to realize Black Holes are timeless, they distort and slay time to an infinite state. If you look around, you would see every single past thing that has been in there as well, and you will see every future thing that will come in, all at the same time. And don't even think of trying to escape, black holes are known as black for a reason. Their gravity is so strong, they can absorb light, and completely prevent it from escaping.
COMPLETED March 18, 2018.
"කේතුර් දන්නවද මම කේතුර්ට
කොච්චරක් ආදරෙයි කියල ?"
"හැමතිස්සෙම වචනෙන් නොකිව්වත් සර්ගෙ ඇස් මගේ ඇස් එක්ක පැටලෙනකොට ඒ දිලිසෙන ඇස්වලින් මට පේනවා සර් මට කොච්චර ආදරෙයිද කියලා."
ආදරේ වැඩියෙන්ම දැනුනේ මගහැරුණු හිත්වලට....ආදරේ වැඩියෙන්ම කරෙත් ඒ මගහැරුණු හිත්මයි.
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