A prequel to the cinematic classic "Cool Cat Saves the Kids," Butch's True Backstory is the story of true happiness and heartbreak, diving deep into Butch's psyche and the horrifying truth as to why Daddy Derek has his guiter. (Okay, not really) Critics are raving, "Best Story of the Century" -Barry B Benson "I'm Never Gonna Give This One Up!" -Rick Astley "I can't bee-lieve I didn't find this earlier" -Adam "If this is literature nowadays, it's absolutely beautiful." -John Steinbeck Jr. "EEEEECK IT'S TRASH AN' I LOVE IT" -Danny deVito, director of Matilda "Truly an inspiration for all my future work. Great job!" Rick123, director of 2012: The End of Roblox
4 parts