Three dragonets- Searipper, Skyfire, and Starsand, are captured by a strange group of shadowy dragons who call themselves the Phantom Brotherhood, that they know nothing about, along with lots of other hybrids so that the Brotherhood can 'keep them safe from those who would do them harm'. In reality, they are trapped under the claws of the Phantom Brotherhood, and they have no say in what will happen in their future, because they are, according to the Brotherhood, mindless and stupid, and thus, are unworthy of being able to choose their future. They want to escape, but to do that, they would have to work together to escape the Brotherhood, whose evil influence, though secret and mostly unknown, has been ravaging Pyrrhia for years, twisting the minds of the present queens in the Brotherhood's favor, after pretty much all of the Dragonets of Destiny passed on fifty years before.