The Title is just inspired by a Pinoy Movie "Love You to the Stars and Back" but this story is gonna be a little bit different. ================================================================================== "Love you to the moon and back" is what we usually say to the one we love when we're going to confess to them. So why not "Love you to the Stars and Back" to depict an even greater kind of love -- one that cannot be quantified, love that stretches the great and unknown distances of the stars out there. ================================================================================== The story follows a man with big ambitions, big dreams for his life , and has a big career as a freelance photographer. On the other side, another man struggles in life trying to cope up with his job as a writer and forget about his past. And by chance, they get to meet each other on a faithful day... The only down side is, will our writer let our photographer into his life? ================================================================================== "Love You to the Stars and Back"All Rights Reserved
1 part