A whole year has passed.
A whole year without Eleven.
And everyone seemed to have forgotten her.
Everyone except for Michael Wheeler and...
Jessica Hernandez.
Jessica has matured within the year.
Still battling the return of her depression, she learns many things.
How to properly shoot a gun.
How to box.
How to lift weights.
How to parkour.
How to control her powers.
How much cutting your skin could hurt like a bitch.
How it feels to nearly experience death.
And how it feels to be abandoned by your shitty parents.
And yet, she's still standing, with a new addition to her wardrobe.
Dustin's hat.
Dustin, who earlier in the year figured out his feelings towards the Colombian girl, is ready to confess his feelings to her.
But what happens when a new girl with her asshole stepbrother rolls into Hawkins, quite literally, distracts him, and Lucas as well, making Jess quite jealous and angry as well, sharing Mike's feelings about her wanting to join The Party? What happens when they realize they're not really quite yet done with The Upside Down? What happens when they get reunited with the telekinetic girl who saved them from the Demogorgon that fateful day on November 12, 1983, only to realize that, once again, she's their best bet at stopping this mess, once and for all?
[Started writing: February 3, 2018]
[Published: February 3, 2018]
[Finished: August 5, 2018]
After the death of Billy Max turned to Eleven for support. As did Eleven with the disappearance of her dad, Hopper. They were together almost everyday. They grew closer and they felt safe when they were together. Lucas, Max her boyfriend and Mike, eleven her boyfriend, were concerned about their relationship since the girls never hang out with them anymore. Life started to feel normal again until Joyce announced that they were moving. TO CALIFORNIA. Eleven and Will would be separated from the group. Eleven would be away from her boyfriend, Mike. But also- Away from her best friend Max. The first few weeks were hard. Eleven wrote Mike every day since she felt out of place and lonely. Signing it with - Love, El. Since that was the only thing getting her through this change. But Eleven noticed that she wrote to Mike- but didn't really miss him that much. The one constantly on her mind was...Max.
This story is based on Stranger Things, but is not completely accurate to the show. This story happened after season 3, but some details are different. So be aware that some information in this story is made up and isn't accurate to the show now. <3
Hope you enjoy!