There was a changing signs in the year 2017. Scientist managed to create what people call Furry's. They mixed human DNA with that of animals and soon they sent them in the world. In time they established families with other humans. But little did the humans know that with every furry's birth meant the death of another human. When they learned this, world war three broke out. The Furry's where much more superior and won with ease. But it meant the extension of humanity.
But not completely as one general of the furry military found a boy. A human boy at that. And for all he knew, this boy could just as will be the last human on Earth. He adopted him as his own son. Even though he was already ( insert your age here). He was sent to school like any other furry. He got just a strong and just as fit as any other furry. But for some reason he got twice the attention. No one knows if it was his good looks or is charming personality, or maybe his love for animals. If you want to know more then read this book.