A MARIO AU Social Hierachy~ Social hierarchy is how individuals and groups are arranged in a relatively linear ladder. Social hierarchy is evident in many species of animals, but it is the most complex in humans. Socioeconomic status is one of the essential factors that creates this hierarchy. Eccedentatist~ An "Eccedentesiast" is the one who fakes a smile or represses his pain by stifling a smile. Or you could say a person who hides his feeling behind a smile. Inevitable ~ certain to happen; unavoidable: "war was inevitable" Drama~ an exciting, emotional, or unexpected event or circumstance: "a hostage drama" · "an afternoon of high drama at Wembley" These four things tie up into something that most unfortunate people have to go through with without consent. However what'd happen if the Mario cast had this happen to them? Whether it's Mario and Luigi's constant bickering, or Rosalina's self absorbency, this school isn't a high school: it is the thunderdome. Hold your breath and count the days: they're graduating soon. College will be paridise of they're not dead by June! So sit back, relax and enjoy this story!All Rights Reserved