On the internet there are many different social media websites. One of the more popular ones is Tumblr. My name is SlytherinPrincess013.. I go by The Slytherin Princess on tumblr when I end my posts. My real name is Victoria Lare. I'm 15 years old and live in a small town in the middle of B.C. So earlier this year I was on tumblr when i ran across this post. It said if you had 5000 or more followers and were between the ages of 15 and 18you could apply for a contest. I, having well over 5000, clicked enter. Later that week, I got a message from the creator of that post saying I have been accepted into the camp. I read what they told me. Basically, all the popular tumblrs were going to be gathered in a camp for the summer. i gave them my mailing address and within three weeks I got all the papers I needed. Months go by and here I am. Waiting to leave for the camp of fellow tumblrs. Turns out they have brought 15 (including me) to the camp... Wish me luck for the next few months without tumblr.All Rights Reserved