A young Sandwing named Qibli finds himself falling for his handsome (yet snappy) wingmate, Winter. He loved and admired everything about this boy; the way his gorgeous pale blue scales glistened in the sun, or the way that when he was angry, he would exhale, letting out a breath of deathly frost, and Qibli would have to duck down and they would laugh about it. Qibli always loved the saying, "Opposites attract", because every night when he would go to bed, he would look across the cave at Winter sleeping so calmly, and imagine how it would feel if he were allowed to put his talons in Winter's, and feel his icy scales, while Winter felt his hot, sandy scales.
There's only one problem.
Winter was in love with Moon, without a doubt. It wasn't fair. He loved Winter.
But one day, when Moon got seriously sick, Qibli thought maybe this was his chance.
Maybe he can get the dragonet he's been in love with forever.