1 Parte Concluida My name is Sam, and I am the teller of tales. This is my initiation speech. At the end of it, I will be a true story teller. After forty years of travel, of gaining knowledge from each person who I met, I am ready to stand in front of the judges and be either chosen or dismissed. I hope it is the latter, but after hearing all the stories from every person I met in my life, I know now, what I did not know then. A job, does not make you who you are. If I failed this test, I could still spin my tales, share my knowledge with whomever came to ask the question, and no matter what, still be me. But today’s test was more than an initiation, it was my first and my last story. The only one I could ever tell about myself. For those where the rules. Win or loose, after today, I could never again utter these words because after today, I will no longer be Sam. The question then is, who will I be?