"We met over Watermelon Lemonade."
Kenzington Kinglee was is your not-so average 21 year old. Shes not out drinking, she's inside reading a book. She's not out wasting all her money, she's outside on a stroll through the park.
She thought she was invisible, until one day, while there was a little market in the park, she met Andrew Malchoy. And he's found something he likes.
Now Andrew Malchoy is your average workaholic, constantly in his office building, that he got passed down from his now deceased father. When he arrives home, he has his glass of whiskey, ect.
But when he meets Kenzington, she sparks something in him, interest.
So when he goes to claim her, what will he say to his parents? Simple, "We met over Watermelon Lemonade