One day, there was a girl named Usaki Asuka. She is a 3rd year high school and she is very smart, talented and cute. Every boy in school likes her but they always refuses tht they like Usaki cause if Usaki finds out that a boy likes her she will do anything that she can so other girls can't steal that man from her and besides Usaki has a strong persobality that if she wants something she will be persistent in getting it. That's why boys like her the way she was even though that she is a pervert! Usaki biggest crush is Itsuka Shitakawa, he is the captain in the basketball team league. Itsuka loves Usaki the way she was even though she is the biggest perverty girl in the whole school! Anyway Itsuka loves Usaki because of what she is...she is cute, pretty, nice, talented, smart & likes to show her underwear to everyone! Even in her professors and teachers...And also at the middle of this story there was a time that Itsuka was secretly a pervert! A HUGE PERVERT!!!!!!!!!!! DOWNLOAD NOW and READ THIS!!!