Hybrid, Part 1:
There's something different about Darrian.
Darrian, son of none, is a second year at the Military Academy of Summoning and renounced for being the best student within the academy. However, the reason behind his many talents and connection with the Ether is a disturbing one, and once the world finds out, it could put both his life, and the life of those he loves, in mortal danger. With the help of new student, Fletcher, will he be able to overcome the nightmare and stop himself from being used as a living weapon?
Soldier, Part 2:
It's been two years since that day.
Fletcher now lives with Evangeline on the outskirts of Pelt, a fugitive of Corcillium. Now unable to enter the City on fear of death, Fletcher's mission as become harder than ever. While there may be one way to rescue his friend, the method is risky and riddled with difficulties. Death is almost certain for them all, and with the King's new plans to create more Hybrid demons to expand the Kingdom's boarders, will Fletcher be able to appease the King's wishes and rescue Darrian without getting caught?
Darrian only becomes weaker by the day. For him, all hope has been lost. His blood is now owned by the state - is there any chance of escape?
Fanfiction to the incredibly popular 'Summoner' by @TaranMatharu - read this first or things won't make much sense! (but, read this as well ;P)
THANKS FOR VOTING EVERYONE! Came joint first in the fan fiction contest, and will be sure to make this into a full book!
Todas las noches sueño con ese erizo desconocido ¿Qué puedo hacer para ayudarlo? ¿Como lo encuentro? Y aún más importante ¿Quien es?
Después de los eventos sucedidos en "SONIC MOVIE" (SONIC 1)
Nuestro protagonista vive feliz junto a su familia, sin embargo comienza a tener sueños extraños relacionados con un erizo al cual desconoce, ese erizo es Shadow, quien vive en un laboratorio del gobierno siendo sometido a muchos malos tratos y experimentos de los cuales Sonic es testigo mediante sus sueños.
Nuestro heroe no dejará que Shadow siga viviendo así y hará todo lo que este en sus manos para brindarle la felicidad que todo ser vivo merece sentir.
Junto con la familia Wachowsky y los habitantes Green Hill's tratará de cambiar el rumbo del azabache. Sin embargo, tendrá que cargar con el peso de que no es fácil quitarle algo tan preciado como; "La forma de vida definitiva" al gobierno.
Gobierno que no descansará con tal de recuperar a Shadow y separarlo de su nueva razón de vivir, Sonic.
🔹🔷Lista de reproducción de Spotify (como compañía en la lectura) 🔷🔹
◀Historia Shadonic▶
◀Esta historia es 100% original mía cualquier similitud con alguna otra historia es coincidencia▶
◀Se aceptan adaptaciones con tal de dar créditos▶
◀Los personajes (con excepciones) no me pertenecen, son de sega y paramount▶
◀Escenarios provenientes de Sonic la película▶
◀Disfruten ;)▶