I lie awake, staring at my ceiling in the darkness. After a few minutes my eyes start to adjust and I can see small figures in my room; my bookshelf that I hardly touched, my closet filled with baggy clothes, and my makeup table that I used for anything but doing my makeup. I hear my mother's coo-coo clock chime 12 from down the hall and wish I could fall asleep. But I can't. Not tonight. I slowly stumble out of bed and turn my bedside lamp on, throwing a dirty shirt over it so it won't shine so brightly. I look around my tiny bedroom for my tennis shoes and a pair of clean socks. I slip on a sweatshirt over my tank top and sweatpants over my shorts. As I lace up my tennis shoes a creak carries up from downstairs. Old house, same noises, no ones awake. I think to myself. Even though I know my parents are asleep, I slow my movements just in case anyone is listening. I stand up and stretch before creeping to my door. I open it slightly to see a small light coming from the living room. Just a lamp. My door creaks as I nudge it open. I walk into the hallway and close the door completely behind me, making sure not to accidentally slam it. I walk past two bedrooms, a bathroom, and a living room before I finally reach the kitchen. the kitchen has a back door, so I don't have to open the garage or go through the front. I walk normally to the sliding glass door, knowing if they woke up now, they couldn't stop me. I click the lock up and force the door to the right. It opens with no noise and I creak onto the wood patio that lifts two stories above the ground (20ft). I gently close the door and head down the wooden steps, toward my fence. The grass is wet, soggy, and untrimmed so much the dewy stuff comes close to my ankle. I easily open the gate and latch it behind me. So far so good. All that's left ahead of me is the road, and I know exactly where to go.
"කේතුර් දන්නවද මම කේතුර්ට
කොච්චරක් ආදරෙයි කියල ?"
"හැමතිස්සෙම වචනෙන් නොකිව්වත් සර්ගෙ ඇස් මගේ ඇස් එක්ක පැටලෙනකොට ඒ දිලිසෙන ඇස්වලින් මට පේනවා සර් මට කොච්චර ආදරෙයිද කියලා."
ආදරේ වැඩියෙන්ම දැනුනේ මගහැරුණු හිත්වලට....ආදරේ වැඩියෙන්ම කරෙත් ඒ මගහැරුණු හිත්මයි.
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