[Y/n] is a famous travel vlogger/blogger with just a million subscriber on her YouTube channel and just about 567.000 subscriber in social media . Sure it wasn't a lot if you compare it with other vloggers in the YouTube community , but she was still happy on what she had right now , she had adoring fans and her community is caring to each other that is the bright side of being a YouTuber, but there's the bad side sometimes .
oh, how happy and suprised she is when she accidentally mets
a famous Russian coach ,Viktor Nikikorov and his apprentice the Japanese ice skater, Katsuki Yuri and a famous tsundere Russian ice skater , Yuri plisetski...
{Yandere Viktor Nikikorov}
{Yandere Yuri Katsuki}
{Yandere Yuri plisetski }
(Warning: There are going to be gore, profanity , possible Lemon, cursing. you had been warned. }
This story is for my lil' cat sister @sammy_neko2001