------------ he only sees HIM during sunset, so who is HE? ------------ × angst × mild viølence × strøng language × mentiøn øf alcøhøl and abuse × sexual themes × majør character death × depressiøn × suicidal thøughts × bullying × self harm • tøp køøk •bøttøm tae GOALS: 1 read (lmao yes) ✔🍓 10 reads✔🍓 20 reads✔🍓 30 reads✔🍓 40 reads✔🍓 50 reads✔🍓 60 reads✔🍓 70 reads✔🍓 80 reads✔🍓 90 reads✔🍓 100 reads✔🍓 TYSM!❤️ kinkyassbunny (Translations are accepted, only with permission)