The tale unfolds six months after the painful separation of Swara and Sanskar, a time marked by heartache and uncertainty. Laksh mysteriously goes missing during this turbulent period, leaving his loved ones distressed. Amidst this chaos, Ragini seeks solace in her sister Swara, insisting she needs her support during these trying times. However, under this plea is the pressure from Shomi, Swara's mother, who pushes her to abandon her promise to Sanskar, intensifying the emotional turmoil within Swara.
Certain scenes are carefully edited and refined as the story evolves to enhance the narrative. Readers can look forward to immersing themselves in this gripping drama, which will be ready for enjoyment soon. The start date of this journey is August 18, 2018. Any images or visuals associated with this story have been sourced from Google and Pinterest to complement the unfolding narrative.
A Swasan Story!
A love story that started with revenge and ended in love.
A revenge-love story.
He was a boy whose ego matters the most.
She was caring and always wanted to run away from love.
She hurt his ego and he planned revenge on her.
Both were opposite, but opposite attracts as well.
So, eventually they ended in falling in love with each other.
#163 in Romance on 17.08.17
#96 in Romance on 25.08.17
#86 in Romance on 29.08.17