Have you ever heard the saying, 'No Strings Attached'? You know, where someone may do something for you and expect nothing in return?
No strings attached.
Well you see, I needed something from someone and I knew that person wouldn't help me without attaching any strings, but I went to him anyway because I was desperate, and I was willing to do whatever it took to get what I needed. Not caring about the consequences or what it would cost, I went to the one person I knew that could help me. I went straight to the devil himself, the man with no heart or soul, the man everyone knew as one of the most powerful and wealthiest of men in New England, and his name is Nico Colletti.
When I went to him he agreed to help, and as I expected he wanted something in return, and when he told me what he wanted, I wasn't so sure I could or wanted to give it to him, because he wanted, well he wanted - me.
[DISCLAIMER: this contains adult language and content. 18+ for mature audiences. Possible triggers: sex, drugs, alcohol, violence.]
[WARNING: This book has mature content in it, such as sexual content, violence and substance abuse. I suggest reading if you are 18 or older.]
"You are mine, princesa," Gabriel muttered roughly into my ear, keeping my hands pinned beside my head to the wall. "On paper, you are mine. In contract, you are mine. In public, you are mine. No one else owns your body and soul like I do and they will never get the chance that I do."
"I am not a trophy that you believe you have claim over because of that stupid contract, Gabriel," I snapped, my eyes trying their best not to flutter closed at the feeling of his warm breath on my neck.
Gabriel smirked. "No, you're more than a trophy - you are my wife." He turned me around, picking me up so my legs would wrap around his hips. "So how about we stop fighting and you let me take you against this wall, sí?"