Hello, my name is Melody. On my sixteenth birthday, I recieved a dare that changed my life forever. Within it, I learned how love, loss, and bravery truly felt. I also learned how to be dead and alive at the same time. I just wish it didnt have to happen that way. Im still dreaming of an infinite forever. Guess there is only such things as corrupted endings. AUTHORS NOTE: Hello, just to put a few things out there. -This story is pretty dark and based off a dream I had. people will die and there will be torture language and sexual content, and a plotline featuring sex// rape scenes. If that kind of stuff bothers you don't read, and your hate to me will be irrelevant. -I have changed the ages of 1D and 5SOS in this story because I want all of the characters high school. -I love all of the boys with all of my heart and would never wish such a plot line upon them, but I found this dream rather interesting and decided to twist it into a fanFICTION. -easiest way to reach me is through Twitter (@outsiderslwt) or instagram (@rejectsarah) -read at your own risk! enjoy!All Rights Reserved