There was supposed to be another person stood outside the apartment after receiving a tarot card but when no one new shows up they are given explicit instructions before they can move on to the next show; find the person with the temperance tarot card. After months of searching and finding nothing Jack finally gets a lead. "Guys my wallet was stolen." Jack says in shock and then checks his wrist immediately, "And my watch." He says in awe at his empty wrist, thinking back to earlier. "Oh don't be dramatic Jack I doubt you had more than $10." Merrit laughs, "And you can just steal another watch." He says looking back at the tv. "Maybe you just dropped it Jack?" Henley says shrugging. "No you don't understand, someone actually stole from me." "Jack we get it-" Merrit rolls his eyes but is interrupted by Danny. "Jacks the best thief I know. For someone to steal from him without him noticing deserves some appreciation." Danny raises his eyebrows finally noticing Jack. "See!" Jack says grinning and pointing at Danny, "I'm going to find them and get my wallet back." "Don't wast your time Jack." Henley says looking up from her magazine. "We still haven't found the other horseman so it's not like I have anything better to do."All Rights Reserved