A crossover story between the Super Mario series and the Danganronpa series. I bet you never saw this coming...
One day in the mushroom kingdom, Mario had decided to invite everyone over for a fun day of Mario Party! Specifically, the friends he invited this time were Luigi, Yoshi, Toad, Peach, Daisy, Rosalina, Toadette, Birdo, Pauline, Professor E. Gadd, Wario and Waluigi! However, once the cast goes through the warp pipe to the area where the parties will be, Bowser, his son Bowser Jr., and the head of the Koopa troops, Kamek, witness their party plans and decide to follow them through the pipe to go and crash the party. Once Bowser and his partners arrive soon after Mario and company, they begin to face off in a classic battle, before a swarm of bob-ombs come and explode on the cast, knocking them all unconscious. When they wake up, they realize they are trapped inside the party areas, slightly altered. They then soon find out from a strange robot that they can't leave unless they... Kill each other? After this, there is a panic as everyone is now stuck in this Mario Party of death... Can Toad be the one to help save everyone and get outside again? Only time can tell...
Welcome... To Super Mario Ronpa.
{The Super Mario and Danganronpa series belong to Nintendo and Spike Chunsoft respectively}
After his first year at the Advanced Nurturing High School, Fukazawa Yato is about to start his second year as a student. With a better understanding of the situation and himself, he is ready to face his past that is catching him up...but he couldn't expect all the problems that would bring this new year and new first years students.
This is the second part of my story. If you haven't read Year 1 first, you should for being able to understand.
I don't own Classroom of the Elite.