Hi. I'm Marie. I'm 19 years old and I live in Birmingham. I live with my 3 best friends. There is Elizabeth aka Lizzie, who is 18, and is my best friend out of all the girls, we just click. She's a happy go lucky kind of girl but has had a lot happen in her past that only I know about. Then there is Danielle aka Danny, who is 17. She is the one who can have an attitude but is fun and likes to party. Then, Grace, she's also 18. She's kind of the leader of the group, but is also really funny and sweet. Then there is me. Seeing I'm the oldest you would think that I would be most mature right? Haha. No. I'm the goof ball of the group and you can never stop me from talking and eating. We are all very different but we all have at least 1 thing in common. We love a certain British-Irish boy band called One Direction. Suddenly one say while One Direction is in Birmingham, there crazy ass 'friend' shows up at their flat. You see, she loves One Direction. Like LOOOVVEEES. So she kinda... well.... Kidnaps them. Soon all the girls are tossed into the crazy world of One Direction and end up getting split up into groups in the process. Will they ever be reunited? And what will happen when/if they are?