"Stiles thinks you're gonna kill him," Scott said in amusement. "The death of my best friend is definitely my business." Derek narrowed his eyes. They glowed red in a threatening manner. "Stiles thinks I'm going to kill him? No. Death is a soft punishment for what he did to me!" Derek practically growled. "And what did he do to you?" ©Essa história foi escrita por Kaline Bogard sem fins lucrativos, feito de fã para fãs. Cópia parcial ou total, assim como o uso do enredo, está terminantemente proibido. Plágio é crime. *** Notes: I want to say "thank you" to my bunny, I mean, my beta YouJustGotPitchSlapped, for helping me with this fanfic. Thanks for being my oficial beta reader. So, enjoy.