Tasha is a sexy, single 25 year old mixed chic. she was sassy, smart and sexy.she has bomb body that makes chics hate off top with a cute face and a smile that can make any man melt. Born and raised in Cali being the only girl of three boys, she learned the game quick. she grew up a valley girl who was always busy between church school and. sports, only to be turned out by Kaos and these street where she soon became turned on by quick money but she learned fast. just as quick as it comes, trouble does to.
she got caught and had to move around no looking back she settled in Dallas for the moment. Hoping things would be calm in country and maybe fall in love. leaving the past behind because At the end of the day she wants that one man who can love her for who she is and hold her down. who can save her from this cold ass world? WHO CAN HOLD HER DOWN????