My poems may be triggering for anyone that reads them. Throughout 3rd to 7th grade I was bullied, I became depressed, started having anxiety, gained trust issues, started having insomnia, now have PTSD, and recently had someone extremely important to me pass away. I was always scared of what would happen when I got to school and of what would happen when I got home. I always thought that all of the things happening to me would never stop, but they did and I'm doing a lot better now. It's still hard to deal with everything that's happened. I'm also having issues with my mother right now which is extremely challenging and upsetting for me. I wanted people to feel the effect that everything had on me, to show a side of me people wouldn't usually see and to be able to relate to anything that others have been through to know I'm not alone and to let them know that they are not either. Writing poetry has always been an outlet for me when I get extremely emotional or depressed and is usually when I write poems the best.