Team RWBY embarks on their journey to Mistral, accompanied by the grizzled Qrow. Perils and Darkness lay before them. What will they find when they arrive at their destination...or better yet, before they get there...
Zack Fullbuster and the King Of Sin A Ruby X OC Story: Volume 5
19 parts Complete Mature
19 parts
The 5th installment in this series. RNJR, Qrow, and Zack have successfully reached Mistral in order to see if the relic is intact. Little do they know of the impending danger coming right for them and more importantly right for Zack. Zack has a target painted on his head and Salem and company are out for his life. Will team RWBY reunite? Will team ZEED reunite? Will Zack finally reveal himself to the world once more? Find out in this installment.
I don't own RWBY. That's all owned by rooster teeth. I also don't own any of the pictures and videos I use in the story.