My hands shake, my body trembles and my tears drip into my open mouth, in which is screaming, I almost choke on my own tears, a hand settles on my shoulder, my face is a hot red. "We'll find you someone to take care of you"
Entertainers is a story about a young girl, whose parents die, in return, her friends family decide to let her meet her hero, but this meeting won't just make her smile, it will change her life forever
"Entertainers like to seem complicated, but they're not complicated... I can explain it pretty easily.
Have you ever been to a birthday, party for children.
One of the children won't stop screaming.
Cause he's a little a attention attractor.
When he grows up to be a comical actor,
He'll be rewarded for never maturing, for never understanding or learning"
I sing, my words turn to mumbles as I lose key, my fingers stop playing the piano, I hear clapping and turn around
"Your quite the talent"