"Dr. Malcolm?"
"Yeah, though not the one you were expecting ..."
"Welcome to Jurassic World."
Her family has a bit of an unsettled past with this place, especially her dad. But that was Jurassic Park, this is Jurassic World. It's new and improved, right? But she'll soon discover that, amazing as it is, this place is just what her dad always said: chaos. As magnificent as it is on the surface, a dark secret lies beneath... Will the park survive, or is it time for them to realize that maybe nature shouldn't be meddled with? In her dad's words, it's "the very essence of chaos," and in Jane's own words, "I think we were just never meant to coexist."
Takes place not long after the Indominus Rex incident, only the park wasn't completely destroyed and the threat was dealt with. Will have some nice father-daughter moments with Ian and my character, Jane :) I do not own 'Jurassic Park' or 'Jurassic World'! (Tim MurphyxOC)