Life doesn't abide by the rules of a child. Sixteen-year-old Ramona knows this.
She's seen it throughout her entire life, from the way she was treated by her birth parents to the way she was thrown around the foster system with nothing but her little brother, Mason, to hold onto. Every bruised cheek and broken bone has slowly shattered Ramona's trust in the system and any foster parent she's ever met.
In the end, it's only Mason she can trust. Her life is dedicated to making his better, and focused solely on sheltering him from the pain of feeling as lonely as she is.
That is, until Ramona gets news one day that may just uproot everything she's ever believed about her and Mason's situation. Everything is about change for Mason, all because of a man named Owen Parker. He wants to take the only thing that Ramona has ever truly loved. He wants to adopt her brother, and there is nothing she can do to stop him.
Though after years of running and years of pain, Ramona knows just how badly Mason needs a home. It's a breath of fresh air for him, a family filled with love, and everything that Mason has never had.
But then, what about Ramona?
She's brotherless, parentless, and alone in a city that has never cared about her. She has to find a way to cope, and she has to find a way to forgive the man who took her little boy from her. But she can't cope, she can't forgive, and she can only bend so many times before she breaks.
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Warning: This story deals with mature content that may be difficult for some to read, such as self-harm, suicide, drug use, abuse, depression, anxiety, and sexual harassment.
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Highest Ranks:
|#1| - adopted
|#1| - fosterkid
|#1| - fostercare
|#1| - foster
|#1| - suicideawareness
|#1| - recovery
|#1| - comingofage
|#1| - mentalillness
|#1| - strength
|#2| - adoption
13-year-old Quinn doesn't remember what its like to have a fun life and being a kid. Or what it's like having fun with her mom. After bumping from foster home to foster home for the past few years Quinn is ready to find a forever home. Meeting Payton, Quinn feels something that she hasn't felt in a long time. She felt safe and that she won't have to worry about her. And with time she felt the love that Payton has for her. A few weeks with Payton Quinn can see herself plating her roots. She starts to see what live is like without the constant worrying about her mom. Quinn even rejoins the track team. All the girls like her and treat her like she has always belong and with time the are friends. And after awhile she has a close friend that she treasures. But Quinn struggles with her personal problems and doesn't know what to do with them. After 13 years she discovers who her father is. And he wants to meet... but Quinn doesn't. Quinn is starting to feel comfortable with this new live that she has built for herself. When she gets the call that her mom is out of jail. Quinn panics. What will this mean for her? Will she go back to her mom? Or will she stay with Payton? Quinn decides between her mom and Payton and finds her miracle.