Hey, thanks for tuning in and reading this!
I'm a fifteen year old girl (14 whisky writing most of it) writing about my real life stories, experiences and thoughts.
Mostly thoughts actually, and I don't know if anyone will read this, I don't even know if I want to publish this... but I have to write it.
To be honest, writing this has brought me a lot of joy, tears and self awareness.
I hope you enjoy!
PS. The first chapter is my favourite, just try reading it all before giving up on this story. That chapter means a lot to me T.S
My name, Julia, is the only real name in this book. Everyone else's has been replaced with pseudonyms.
(pseudonym= fake name)
Spook Trains in the dead of night! They seem to vanish into thin air. Where do they go? The Famous Five follow the tracks and discover an underground destination...