9 parts Complete Greetings, human. You can call me Synopsis. One of the first to break the third wall. Or fourth...whatever wall I am breaking. Please, may I be so honored as to present what is it that goes on in this world, without actually not telling you what the story is about. Life is hard.
Rock Valley; a place named by a blind guy who fell into a ditch and spent his entire life there. A place where putting on your pants without checking for spiders might be the last thing you do. A place which lies in the middle of the edge of the bottom of nowhere. A place that's about to face some thing.
An eyeless guy drives into the remote town of Rock Valley. Now, for one thing I'm pretty certain about eyeless people, is that they cannot see...so Vudan Misch, as he goes by the name, moving into Rock Valley means that something supernaturally major is about to take place and I guess that's what you want to find out in detail.
Carry on then, have a blast. I am always here if you need me.