Okay, I just wanted to try this story because it was nagging at the back of my head, I had a planned out beginning, the plot is nice, and also the idea's been nagging at me for nearly two days. So I just decided to go for it and hope it won't be just like my The Lost Prince fanfic, which I discontinued and deleted. If you've read a bunch of my stories, you know what crossover this is. So now I'm just gonna go for it.
The plan failed. The Colossus destroyed Knightonia, and Monstrox spared his friends but killed him, ending his life. . .
Or not.
Waking up in the middle of the woods was not what he expected. Nor were the two shimmering angel wings on his back. Nor was the weird cobalt carved ocarina. Nor was the gleaming golden bow made of magic by his side. Nor were the three triangles on the back of his hand. But one thing was for certain. . .
He had to find a way home.
He knew his friends were safe; he could feel them through his magic. But how long would they stay safe? How long was it until Monstrox broke his promise? How long did they have left?
One way to find out.
Going undercover as a simple village kid, he enters the Knights' Training Academy (why does this feel like deja vu?) in an attempt to find out how he can open a portal and hone his skills to take back Knighton without arousing suspicion around his fellow classmates, but when he's swept up in a war he never knew would come, he has two choices;
Run back to his old friends. . .
Or help his new ones. . .
But maybe, just maybe, he can help both.