A dragon kidnapped a child one after another.Hearing this, the king issued an order to stop it. In order to get to the bottom of this mess, El was the one chosen for this out of the many soldiers he could order. So Elaine, and her teammates travel to the dragons lair to get to the bottom of this.
Was it just a coincidence? Why did the king choose her? What is the shadow behind this adventure? You will never know.............cause I will never tell you. Though if you read as far enough, you might, and if I said far, I meant REALLY FAR that it near the end.
PS:. If you're looking for romance, then read 'Sasha and the Prince of Hearts'-my other story or go elsewhere, because this story is: 24% historical fiction, 28% adventure, 24% fantasy, 10% mystery, 7% comedy, 5% action and 2% romance, and the last thing I should say, THIS IS DEFINITELY NOT HORROR.All Rights Reserved