Hello,Everyone I am Justus, and I am publishing my writing schedule so you all will know what I will be working on through this week but also the months. However, I will be writing new stories as well, and they will be uploaded on here too so you all will know the schedule for those stories as well. I hope you all enjoy this schedule, if you have any questions you all could message me on here or tag me in a statutes, and I will answer all of your questions. Whenever, I write the new stories I will let you all know the names of the stories, and when I will be working on them as well but also I will have a printed copy of my writing schedule as well. If you have any questions, feel like talking, feel free to message me on here but also tag me in a statues, and I will respond back to you. I hope you all have a good weekend, be safe, and keep on reading but also writing be the best Authors you all can be.
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