Hi all, I'm Newbie here, and I translated my friend FF, she allowed me to translate her FF. Please ignore my grammar, I just trying the best I can to translate this FF. Your comments, votes, support, and suggestions will help me improve my translation.
- Huang Jingyu and Xu Weizhou first time met
- They are getting to know each other
- They fall in love with each other
- They are also denial their feelings toward each other
- And at the end ...
- Just read it if you want to know the ending 😊
I don't own this story, the original story in bahasa indonesia belong to @struggle_wind (original title: Kau Tercipta Untukku)
Cr on the pic or vid.
A LamxArthit story :) Possibly a one shot or a full fledged story dependent on my very erratic writer's mood.
Haven't written in eons and loads of updates pending but this came to mind amidst my busy days and I really wanted to pen it down :)
So, if I am not wrong, here's my maiden attempt on Lam & Arthit :)
And adding onto the fire, Aim & Forth too!
Never saw that one coming!