"My soul is my penance, and London's price paid."
Here's that list of poems I wrote that proves, one, I am capable of romantic feelings, two, I actually am completely, totally, hopelessly lame. I suck now more than when I was a lil' punk ass bitch. xD
Nahhhh in all seriousness, I do like poetry, but poets are oftentimes too annoyingly affectionate for my liking and wax philosophical about roses and summer's days and stuff while I got bigger metaphorically indicative of inner pain fish to fry.
I tried to make it largely in chronological order, but as most of these poems are already written somewhere and I'm just transferring them here and adding new ones as inspired, they're not going to be perfectly ordered. Plus, I'm horrible with dates, so that'll be the final nail in my coffin if I ever need to fabricate an alibi for any reason. Anyway, the point is, I'm not perfect, and I'm slowly coming to cherish that.
Enjoy this rare glimpse into my emotions.