There are many people in the world. Most of them you will never know. Alone in a sea of a thousand faces, a boy swims against the tide. The faces he knows, are faces of monsters. They hurt; All they ever want to do is hurt. He tries to push on, to fight. But they smite him down every time.
Until there comes a few new faces amongst the crowd. And they are faces of heroes. Of angels and knights and healers. Yet valiant as they are, they might just be too late. For though they have come, the monsters are already inside the poor boy. Whispering. "You are broken, child. They can't save you."
This is a story of a boy full of light and dreams and innocence, born in a world of hate.
This is a story of pain and betrayal and sadness.
But most of all, this is a story of hope and courage and especially, love.