This story started out as a chapter in a series of short stories called The Dark Stories. I wrote them with one philosophical question in mind. What is evil? And by that definition, what is good? Are human morals what defines both? What would happen then, if you remove human morals? or sanity, logic, and perhaps even the concept of being human all together. What is evil? And if you can describe it, What is good? I say both are abstract concepts, and to be properly examined, need an abstract answer. It is with dark and gruesome short stories, then, pushing the line of boldness and distasteful, I attempt to provide some context for the individual to decide: What is good. What is evil.
From this story, I have began a much larger book. It is written in a more proper style, avoiding the lines that represent the passing of time that this story does.
I would like to finally say, this story is not for children. It could also give a negative reaction to those suffering from anxiety or depression as well, and should be read in the light of: Why do these people perform the actions they do.
What is the sociology that defines them, and is what they do evil, or only evil from your perspective.