Anii copilăriei s-au dus, fără ca măcar să simt acea fericire a celei mai frumoase perioade, abundă internetul de tot felul de articole, prostii. Eu m-am hotărât de mult timp, nu mă căsătoresc, nu-mi doresc copii.
Am senzaţia că cineva mă urmăreşte, că se hrăneşte cu energia mea, încă o ocheadă ce traversează rapid masa, şi depistez, doi ochi negri, mă fixează şi nu se feresc de privirea mea de ciocolată, sclipesc şi sunt aţintiţi spre mine, nu-şi fereşte privirea şi nici eu nu o fac. Îl înfrunt şi-l privesc direct în ochi.
Da, au fost multe, oftez oprindu-mi lacrimile, nu-mi permit să plâng acum, mai este cam o oră şi jumătate până vin ceilalţi, nu pot să fiu cu ochii roşii, trebuie să supravieţuiesc printre ei.
Izuku Yagi,son of Inko Yagi(Green Tornado) and Toshinori Yagi(All Might) and brother of Izumi Yagi. His life was full of joy, until it was diagnoses as quirkless, his life was change. His friends(1A) along with his sister bullies him. The neglect, bulliyng,abuse, tormented for 8 years. When he was 12 he tried to run away from his former friends, but he was kidnaped by some thugs, hired by All For One. For 2 years he was experienced torture. All For One give 2 quirks to him(Acid and Enchant Abilities). At 14 he escaped, along with Lofie, a girl that had the same fate like him. They help each other and become brother and sister.