Skylar Demay has just turned sixteen, the age in which she gets her Timestamp. This lens is put into your eye and it displays a countdown on your arm, counting down to the moment you will meet your true love. Skylar has never given love much thought. She is also about to take a test that will determine her match and job, among other things. Her school, Reichenback Academy for Girls, isn't exactly what it seems to be. At Reichenback, Skylar trains to take care of the studying and disposal of Shifties, vicious shape-shifters that attempt to plague the populace. Though she shows exceeding potential at Reichenback, she is deemed better off at Bladeline University for Boys, where she will train to hunt, kill, and occasionally bring in Shifties for Reichenback Girls to study. When a twist in the story reveals itself, Sky finds herself not so opposed to the Shifties that she was taught since childhood to be evil.