Shannon, Mekhi, Corey, and Kenza, four seniors in high school who all struggle with being with who they want to be with. Shannon, Corey, and Kenza have all been best friends since their freshmen year of high school. While Mekhi was just around when he chose to be, considering he's Corey's cousin, and Corey's mother took him in his freshmen year as well. Shannon and Kenza couldn't stand Mekhi for their first two years of knowing him.
But with Mekhi flirting with Shannon for those two years, Shannon started liking him during their junior year, and they had sex in their senior year. She wanted to be with Mekhi, but with Corey being in love with her since freshmen year, and Mekhi and Shannon hiding their feeling for each other from Corey, Mekhi pushed Shannon away.
Kenza always knew Corey was in love with Shannon, but her feelings for him didn't change. She thought having sex with him whenever he wanted would make him want her instead of Shannon, but it didn't, which resulted in Kenza being a bad friend to Shannon. Then Mekhi and Kenza started messing around, while Mekhi and Shannon were having some problems. Which resulted in Mekhi learning that Kenza is more than what meets the eye, and he started falling for her while still having feelings for Shannon.
Now both girls want Mekhi and fight each other repeatedly physically and verbally, almost permanently ruining their friendship. Mekhi struggles to figure out which girl he actually wants, while fighting his cousin Corey over him sleeping with both girls, the one he wants and the one he uses as a replacement.
Keshay other known as "Keisha" is one of the best lawyers in New York City. Her entire life she's lived a fast pace life, fighting to be the best and never allowing herself to be put 2nd.
What happens when she meets Senator Jaziel Mithen, a black highly respected senator who grew up with a rough start until he was adopted into the Mithen family. And after college he worked his way towards being Senator, and married a white woman named Emily Mithen. With no true understanding of himself and his culture he finds himself clinging to be around Keshay after she illegally removed a hidden charge from his past that he wants to stay hidden.
He finds himself drawn to Keshay and the two of them become infatuated with one another. Falling into lust and temptation, risking both of their careers to sneak from hotel to hotel and share temporary moments that will lead to permanent guilt.
What happens when Keshay realizes that after being first her entire life she's finally being placed second?
What are the lengths Jaziel and others higher up are willing to go to protect this affair from getting out?
Does he only love Keshay because she helps him find his identity? Or is the love really true?
Find out by taking a dive in The Cruel Passions Of The Other Woman.