Continuous Integration Continuous integration is a groundbreaking practice within the software development cycle where and which encourages the software developers to integrate and share their codes into the main branch of a shared repository as often as often. Instead of coding and testing out new features in an isolated environment and integrating them at the end of an individual development cycle, newly written codes are integrated with the shared repository by each software developer as many times as throughout the day if needed or possible. Continuous Delivery Continuous delivery is the operational extension of the previously briefed continuous integration process. This progressing technique focuses on automating the software delivery process so that operations team can easily and assuredly deploy their updated code to production at any time. By making sure that the shared codebase is always in a real-time deployable standby status, releasing and adding software updates becomes a low-key event without any operational hiccups. Operational Teams can be assured in the fact that they can release updates and added services whenever they need to without the traditional cross-department complex coordination or the last minute testing rituals. Continuous Deployment Continuous deployment is an extension and the conclusion of the continuous delivery process, which automatically deploys each update and service that passes the quality and debugging metrics. Instead of the traditional way waiting for an individual from the operations team to make the business decision to when to deploy the updates and services into the existing production, a continuous and periodic deployment system which deploys everything that has successfully passed the development and deployment process.All Rights Reserved