The citizens of Safe having are turning on each other with the rising danger and fear plaguing the city, with mysterious cases of seeming life drained people the SHPD are up to their necks in work. Edge and Nico have seemed to gotten past their differences and are now working together to bring both demons and man kind back to peace, with their snarky avian demon Blaire back, princess Lucy along with the limbo demons on their side and with Maggot as living proof for their freedom all seems to be looking up, but does Maggot have his own evil plans?? As for Amaris and Cooper, Cooper finds himself bonding closer to his long lost childhood friend and he realises he has feelings for her, something more powerful then friendship....With chaos rising and Hades growing more bitter with each new power source he gains how will Cooper and Nico work together with their new found friends to Safe their home??