Amaris Allister just a normal girl with a normal life ya right Like I am normal anyway you know my name already and this is the super cool thing that happened , so one day I got back to my looney bin oh sorry "Clinic for the mentally challenged" from my job which is catching lunatics you know Phychopaths and Sociopaths like me ;) anyhow I got back and Lookie what I got a letter from Hero schools founder Lostatsea101 And wow me a sociopath getting chosen to go TO BLEEDING HERO SCHOOL, I accept the chance to go there but will the other students and teachersaccept me and the voices in my head or will this Author be mean and make them hate me (STOP BREAKING THE FOURTH WALL-AUTHOR) ok jeez and WAIT I HAVE A FUDGING LOVE INTEREST AND WOW HE IS HOT ( WHAT DID I JUST SAY-AUTHOR) ok ok cool down disembodied voice relax anyway find out what happens see you cupcakes laterAll Rights Reserved