I'm just your average girl. I have a boyfriend, I have friends, I have a job... I'm just boring old Juliet O'Hare... But please, call me Jules, if you will. Let me tell you, this may not seem like a big deal, but I LOVE cats. Kitties, kitties, kitties... I'd do anything to have all the cats in the world. But for now, I only have one. Maybe two, when I find a new one outside my apartment. I'd like to keep him, but unfortunately, he's claimed by Ian Stapleton. No big deal. Go to a party... you won't believe what I find. Ian, again! At the party. Coincidence. MineCon, it'll be fun, they said. You'll have lots of fun, they said. They as in my little brother, who I was forced to take. This is all I can handle, though--Ian's there. Well, might as well talk to him...