Hey there. I'm Aza. And welcome to my life.
Grownups really don't give us teenagers enough credit. Surviving high school while juggling teenage hormones is quite a handful, if you ask me. Most of the time, up seems down and left seems right.
Life was fairly normal for me. I had my best friend, Jett, and a big time crush on my friend's big brother. You know, the typical life of a teenage girl. But you know what, this is my life we're talking about. And my life has never been anything but complicated and confusing.
Nevertheless, this is my life. I'm gonna live it like I mean it. Whatever had happened, happened, there's no turning back. Don't ever mind what people say or think, for the most important thing in life is this:
Don't look back.
At least, after you've gotten yourself out of the mess you've put yourself into.
On second thought, let's take a look back into the past year or so. Then I'll decide whether it's time to let go, and never, ever look back again.