"Dad... No, please, don't!"
"Don't worry, sweetheart. Don't panic. It's just a little syringe. It won't hurt, you won't even feel anything. No pain, alright?"
I nodded slowly, hesitant. My dad just sighed, as if a bolder as been lifted from his tenses shoulders. Anyhow, his look still seemed sad and distant. I understood him since my mom died not long ago, being bit by one of these degusting creatures that my family called zombies.
Without waiting anymore, he lifted my sleeves and approached the syringe to my arm. Soon enough, it pierced my skin. I almost didn't feel anything at first, but after a few seconds, the liquid slowly entered in my veins. I could feel it all the way and it burned. It hurt so bad that my eyes flowed with tears that I couldn't contain anymore.
"It's almost done," said my father on a tone of apology.
I wanted to say something, but my tears muffled my voice. I realized, surprised, that my father was crying too.
"I love you, [Y/N], don't ever forget that" I heard him say.
Black dots soon sparkled my vision as I slowly felt myself drawing into unconsciousness.
They say the world is over, but I'm still here. If it's the end of days then why are people still alive, maybe the world isn't over perhaps they just have to learn how to survive in this new world.
For Chloe Grimes that is a lot easier said than done. Her father was shot a week before the dead began to rise. Now Chloe has to be strong for her little brother Carl and their mother, Lori. Chloe was the one that got her brother and mom packed and ready to leave. While her mom was grabbing family albums and her brother was grabbing comic books, Chloe grabbed her Springfield Sniper, extra ammo, and her silencer. As well as any food that would last a while. She was already pulling out of the driveway to go get her father when Shane came in behind them, driving like a bat out of hell. Shane told them that Rick was dead, and he came to get them to safety, but Chloe didn't want to believe him. Shane had to physically stop Chloe from getting back in their car and driving to the hospital. The only thing that truly stopped her though was the look on her little brother's face, he needed her now more than ever. They never made it to Atlanta though and now Chloe has to navigate a world where the dead walk.