Edward Nygma has always struggled with balancing his multiple personalities. After taking revenge for his girlfriends death and murdering his best friend Oswald Cobblepot, Edward tries to step away from his "weaker side" and become The Riddler. However, having the blood of someone you care about on your hands is never an easy thing to live with. A Nygmobblepot fanfic set during Gotham season 3 were Oswald returns to Gotham sooner and Edward realises just how much losing Oswald really hurt him. Alternative ending to "How The Riddler got his name." WARNING! Contains suicidal thoughts, a suicide attempt, drug use, drug induced hallucinations and mild injury detail/blood mention(gun shot.) No sex or rude stuff in this story. My first work for this ship. Art belongs to author. Please do not share without this link: https://mordredllewelynjones.tumblr.com/All Rights Reserved